Registration for New Students
Students who have been admitted to the graduate program in Statistics and Biostatistics should follow the following steps:
- Monitor the on-line admissions status page to verify your status as an admitted student, and follow up with the graduate program director in case you believe that posting of the decision to admit you has been mistakenly delayed.
- Please verify that your mailing address on file with the admissions office is correct. Your admission packet will be sent to that address.
- Please return the form indicating your intention to enroll at Rutgers. This form will be included in your admission packet. For PhD admissions, please also confirm your intent to attend with the graduate program director, by e-mail if you find that most convenient. This form will change your admission status from "Admit" to "Admit Coming". You may also fax, or scan and e-mail, this card, or, if this is inconvenient, the graduate director can ask that your status be changed for you if you request.
- The Council of Graduate Schools specifies certain expectations for universities making offers of admission (and perhaps of support) for graduate study, and for students accepting these offers. Rutgers University adheres to these expectations, and expects that our applicants will adhere to these as well.
- Many Rutgers services are offered on-line, and people associated with Rutgers have a common identifier and password in order to access these services. The identifier is called a NetID. Rutgers assigns this as soon as your admission status changes from "Admit" to "Admit Coming". You can find out what this identifier is, and activate it, online . If this doesn't work, ask for help first from the central university help system. Please obtain this as soon as possible, as this will give you access to services, including requests for student housing.
- Please read the the admission packet, and follow university and graduate school instructions.
- Housing information should be included in this packet. We strongly recommend that new students obtain housing from the university. Please do this early, as housing typically fills up. The direct link for application is here.
- Information for students requiring visas should also be included in this packet.
- Required financial documents do not need to be submitted until after the student has accepted the offer of admission, but should be submitted promptly after that date, to the Office of Graduate and Professional Admissions, in order to ensure timely visa processing.
- Plan to arrive in time for the Graduate School-New Brunswick orientation, and, if you will be appointed as a TA, the Teaching Assistance Project TA orientation, and, if you are an international student, the mandatory international orientation.
- Shortly after your arrival at Rutgers, please make an appointment to see the graduate director to register for classes.
- You and the graduate director will fill out a form selecting your courses for the first semester. Some Rutgers graduate programs allow for on-line registration for a student's first semester, but our program does not. This form also includes important contact information. The graduate director will not approve more than 12 credits of course work during your initial semester.
- The Program Secretary will photocopy your form, and keep the copy for our records.
- Take the original registration form to the Office of the Registrar, located at ASB I.
- The registrar will then send you to the cashier's office, located in the same building.
- Please obtain a Rutgers University Identification card.
- See our staff to arrange for your RUID to open the door to the computer lab, and for lab login privileges.
- Register for parking privileges, if you plan to drive to campus.