This is an exciting time for the field of statistics, as the ubiquity of data and the rise of computational power are changing our understanding of the world. It’s an exciting time for our department as well: in the last year we have hired four new professors, had a colleague win a teaching award, and seen our graduate students and our faculty win research honors and land major grants.
Our faculty work on problems from high dimensional data to time series to foundations of statistics and probability. Our undergraduate program enrolls some six thousand students each year and has over 320 majors in statistics and statistics/mathematics. There are 52 students in our doctoral program and over two hundred students in our three masters programs of Statistics, Financial Statistics & Risk Management, and Data Science. Our Undergraduate Pages and Graduate Pages describe the offerings in the department. Welcome.
About our Department
Department of Statistics faculty includes fifteen full professors, four associate professors, three assistant professors, and four emeritus professors.
In the Department of Statistics, nine faculty members are Fellows of the IMS, seven are Fellows of the ASA, and two have been elected to membership in the ISI. One is a member of the NAS, IOM, and AAA. Most faculty members are or have been editors or associate editors of major journals. In addition, one has been the recipient of the Rutgers Graduate School, Distinguished Alumni Award in 2005.